Lumiere London 2016
London Lumiere
Lumiere London is a new Light Festival in London. The first one was held from 14th to 17th January 2016. The Light Festival transformed many of the Capital’s most iconic streets and buildings – Westminster, West End and King’s Cross. Main streets were closed so that Londoners and their visitors could really enjoy the lights, the new environment and the space. The festival had brought together some of the world’s best known artists who work with light.
This event has certainly brightened up the darkest of January evenings.
Lumiere London was produced by Artichoke and supported by the Mayor of London. This travel article describes Lumiere London which was held from 14th to 17th January 2016.
Lumiere London in West End and Westminster
1. Garden of Light – The whole of Leicester Square was bedecked with plants with lights. It was certainly an impressive sight especially with people standing and enjoying the view. Plants taller than the visitors.
2. Les Lumineoles – The aerial structure which look like Siamese fighting fish with their long and sweeping fins. These fish move in gracefully in the air in all directions in time. The colour changes with the beat of the music. This is certainly one of the better exhibits. These aerial fish were in both Piccadilly and Regent Street.
The Front of an African Elephant
3. Elephantastic – The front and the back of an African Elephant. The elephant moves, purrs and roars. It is extremely life-like.
6. 1.8 London: Fabric that flows with the breeze above Oxford Circus. The breeze flowing along Oxford Street and Regent Street cause the fabric to change its shape. The colours on the material change constantly. This is a fascinating piece – changes of shape and colours with time.
9. Travellers – Mysterious figures appearing on top of buildings in St James’s. More of these figures can be seen in the MyFacesAndPlaces account on FaceBook
11. Plastic Islands – Empty plastic bottles form a circular island in one of the fountains in Trafalgar Square. Perhaps is it symbolic of one of our current environmental issues?
14. The Light of Spirit – One of the best exhibits – a projection of colour on the West Door of Westminster Abbey. It is literally colouring the various mono-colour stone carving. It is done with relevance and precision.
15 Sanctuary – Outline of a bird box in Mayfair.
20 Aquarium – Probably the most interesting of the London Lumiere. A live fish tank in the iconic London Telephone box.
25 Dress – Three images of the same dress but in different colours – White, blue and red. There is no argument about the colours in this dress this time.
Lumiere London in Kings Cross
28. Circus of Light – A projection of video images of the Circus of Light on The Granary Building (University of Arts London) in Kings Cross. A full spectrum of circus acts like Jugglers, A Man as a Cannon ball, etc
29 Litre of Light – Bottles filled with light of different colours.
31 Diver – Neons lights working in sequence showing a diver diving from the dive board and making a splash in the Kings Cross Outdoor natural swimming pool. The background of colour and lights makes this image outstanding.
London Lumiere 2016: This is the first time the festival is in London. It certainly brings cheer to London at a time of long and dark nights. Well Done Boris for supporting the event.
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